Monday, February 25, 2013

Old Mutual Theatre on the Square: The Timekeepers

The Timekeepers is a story of men in a concentration camp, who bond through lessons in watch repairing and a love for opera. It is a moving and intense piece of theatre that looks beyond the relationships between the main characters, to question isolation and understanding in communities. Billed by the British Theatre Guide as one of top five theatre shows in London, The Timekeepers has been touring to international festivals since 2004. The story that is told with quiet humanity and humour to illustrate an argument that the victims of the Nazi persecution during the holocaust were not without their own prejudices. The Timekeepers is a call for tolerance and understanding by reminding us that the Jews were not the only ones to suffer in the holocaust.

In his 70 minute snapshot, Dan Clancy engagingly unravels a relationship between a camp gay German and his fellow prisoner, a straight Jew, and the guard in a concentration camp. The affair, both touching and life affirming, is delicately directed by Lee Gilat who elicits heartfelt performances from her cast in an intense piece of theatre that combines wit and poignancy with a remarkable skill.

The Timekeepers sharpens the focus on a human story. Three men are confined by space and time. One rediscovers his humanity. The other subtly reveals the quietness beneath his flamboyant mask. The third whose power and authority are more fragile than they seem, provides support. Friendships of the deepest nature are developed amongst the most unlikely people in the most unlikely places – and in this play, between an outrageously camp and exuberant character and his relationship with his prisoner.

The Timekeepers is genuinely funny and touching. It demonstrates how in a very unusual way, this internationally acclaimed production finds humour in the subject of the holocaust without trivializing it. It has been described as a theatrical masterpiece that is tenderly told through a strong script, three talented actors and a skilled director. The play should leave audiences satisfied with the feeling that the time spent in the theatre was worthwhile - a challenging and provocative theatrical experience to remember.

There will be four performances only

- Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th at 8.15pm and on Saturday 16th March at 6pm

On Thursday 14th March the show will be presented in Hebrew

Bookings can be made through the theatre on tel. 011-883-8606 or Strictly Tickets tel. 082 553 5901 or online Enquire about group booking discounts and dinner/show packages.

Tickets are R120.

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